Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Keep Reinventing Yourself

In a world where competition is high, as individuals, it is imperative to not become complacent. Now don't get me wrong, this in no way implies that you need to go after after flaw you think you have or become the person someone else wants you to be - no, no, no. I mean embrace what you are really good at, what moves you, what excites you and keep telling yourself to push your own envelope and be gritty about you. In the midst of all that, still be there for others and continue to do good in your community and in the world. 
The last few months have been super duper interesting and instead honing in on all the unanswered questions, I stay true to my happy place. In that, I have found opportunities to reinvent myself and to intentionally shift my thoughts and my actions in certain areas of life. I will always profess to be a work in progress and I would not have it any other way because that means there is always room to do something different or even strive for better results. That's pretty darn exciting!  
Think about areas that you could reinvent yourself and or become unstuck and make it happen! Life is a verb. 

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Know Your Limits

I know...it has been a while since my last blog post but know that I am keeping the spirit of writing alive in more ways than one. As I wind down a very busy year, please know that I will soon be back into the swing of things with blog updates and that regardless of what may seem to be a pause just by looking at the date of my last blog post, I am still Leading With Purpose. Bottom line, sometimes "life happens" and one thing that we all have to embrace is knowing our limits. I'd rather pause than give 50%! Stay tuned.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

The Moment "Y" Went Away

So I was having a light hearted conversation with a good friend this week.  As always, the topic of our children came up and evolved into talking about the moment the “Y” went away.

Before I continue, please know that the moral of this story is not about being a mom. It’s about acceptance.

Now, back to the moment the “Y” went away. As my daughter grew up, I recognized one day that the “Y” went away and now I was MOM. I actually felt some kind of way about that. I said, oh no, what is really happening and is this “that” moment everyone has warned me about as we were headed into the teen years. I truly had to “accept” that my daughter was growing up and maturing and that it was her time to remove the “Y”.  

Sometimes it can be hard to accept the change of others based on comfort and simply because you are used to the way things have always been. One can easily get stuck in where another person was versus where a person chooses to be in the present and where the person is trying to go. Change is a beautiful thing...we all learn, grow and evolve and we all yearn for the past to be the past. For me, the moment “Y” went away symbolized growth. While tough at first, I quickly moved on and embraced the absence of “Y”.

When I finished the conversation with my friend...which was actually quite hysterical by the way, my friend Karen said, you should write about that!   

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Let It Go

I have taken my yoga practice more seriously since my Ragnar experience a few months ago. However, the last month has been a time that I really connected deeply with the power of yoga and meditation. I went to yoga class tonight and by far, this was probably one of the hardest hot yoga classes to date. I told myself, hard is what you make it. Get it together, push on and stay grounded...breathe, breathe, breathe. For tonight, breathing was the aha moment I needed regardless of how many other times I have heard it. In yoga, during discomfort, you learn to bring yourself back to your breath. This applies to life too. No doubt, discomfort builds strength and breathing reminds you to stay in control during the discomfort.

As we concluded tonight's practice, three words resonated with me loud and clear - Let It Go!


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The Perfect Time...hmmm

I am a firm believer that there is no such thing as a "perfect time". I also firmly believe that if not now, WHEN? You see, the word NOW is a powerful word. It makes me think of ...action, big step, starting, goals, achievement, results, impact, change, etc. I could go on and on. Today's message is simple, NOW may not be the perfect time but NOW creates the shift that is needed to accomplish whatever goal that needs to be accomplished no matter how big or how small. This applies to all areas of our life, including how we choose to wake up each day!

Thursday, April 30, 2015

I Woke Up Like This

Your best self starts as soon as your feet hit the floor! Make it count every single day!

Saturday, April 25, 2015


Have you ever been to a place you never thought you'd love? Come along with me briefly to a place I refer to as, Neverland...

By the time I arrived to high school, I realized I how much I loved math. In fact, you could have kept all of the other subjects at that time (smile). I recall loving the challenge in figuring out any problem that was put in front of me. Even when I went to college, statistics was a class I actually enjoyed going to.

Then there was this other world I will refer to as, Neverland.  Now in my world of Neverland, the thought of writing a paper was NOT so exciting. The work got done but there was no passion or love behind it. I did what I needed to do to pass...I'm sure I'm talking to someone out there who can relate in some shape or fashion with a different example.

Fast forward many years later and my Neverland (of writing) has now turned into a beautiful destination for me. In fact, it is not just a destination but a journey that I embrace and continue to love traveling to over and over again. Keeping an open mind and curious spirit to explore a destination I never thought I'd love has helped me to evolve.

What was once your Neverland?